Not all Andy Lewises are created equal! This page is about the Andy Lewis who used to work and live in Lake Mary, Florida (aka Heathrow). You should read this section to be sure of the subject of this tale (preferably before jumping to any conclusions).
Welcome to
You might have some questions about
this site. Or maybe you came here with specific expectations. If you don't know
who Andy Lewis is or why this site is here, keep reading. If you're just here to
read the story, then you can get right to it.
Why is this site here?
Well, to cut to the quick of things; Because I feel quite
strongly that Andy Lewis is a mean spirited person with little regard for
others. He thinks twice about screwing someone over, but only to make sure that
he worked out all the details the first time around. In the modern vernacular,
it could easily be said that he "sucks." Hence the domain.
So who are you?
My name is Jason Rock, and I'm one of the people that has
suffered as a result of Andy Lewis' moral failings and resulting spineless
actions. I can probably consider myself lucky; I was only grazed by the
figurative bullet. Others were nailed squarely between the eyes.
That's pretty rough! So who's
Andy Lewis?
Andy Lewis is, for all appearances, another Joe Average at a
big software company. He works for Veritas Software in Heathrow, Florida. He is
the manager of their E-Business group, in other words, the Webmaster. He lives
in a large, well-furnished and comfortable home a few miles from where he works.
The neighborhoods in Heathrow are quite posh; houses do not come cheap and the
area is populated by the likes of Shaquille O'Neal and Michael Jackson. Tiger
Woods has played at the local country club. During the dot-com upswing he became
a paper millionaire with stock options from Veritas. Of course, he didn't pull
out quite in time to avoid the dot-com bomb, so those
stocks that were valued at nearly $150 each at time of issue aren't quite what
they were. :)
Before Andy Lewis held the position he does today, he was a
missionary in the Philippines. I can only assume that this is where he met his
wife; an obsessive collector who seems to have a penchant for procuring her
husband's copious funds to drive her doll
empire. It's hard to correlate the actions of a missionary with what Andy
Lewis has done, but as far as I know it's the truth. I feel sorry for the
Filipinos who felt the pangs of his careful ministrations.
Now you've got the brief background on Andy Lewis. Keep
going, it gets better...
The Story
In 1995, a friend of
mine named Blaine Helmick decided to start his own business with the intent of
selling custom-built computer systems in a world dominated by Packard Bell and
Gateway. Thus was born Talon Systems Inc. The business experienced varying
degrees of success over the years, more so as a service company than as a
computer retailer. As a good friend of Blaine, I was involved at several levels
in the business throughout its lifetime. I assisted during our stretch as a
"mobile arcade," offering pay-for-play LAN games at conventions and other
gatherings. I did work for the FamilyPC contract when we supported their exhibit
at Disney's Epcot Center. And I signed on as a Delphi developer in the fall of
1999 for a project that was to be an insurance company fraud-detection database.
This project would begin the sequence of events that would lead to our
catastrophic encounter with Andy Lewis.
We had been approached by one Stephen Ratcliff, a realtor and
developer from Oviedo, Florida, who happened to be the landlord of our office at
the time. We learned that his girlfriend, Deborah Pasha, was currently working
for a company called NHR, a firm devoted solely to
the practice of taking paperwork from insurance companies, organizing and
checking it, placing it into a logical order and then returning it. Furthermore,
she was planning on leaving there shortly and starting a company of her own to
serve insurance companies in a fraud-finding capacity. Perhaps the fact that she
was openly violating a contract she had signed with this company to not engage
in a similar practice while in their employ should have tipped us off to the
nature of this particular beast, but we didn't take it as the dire warning of
things to come.
So it was that we entered into a business arrangement with
Stephen Ratcliff and Debbie Pasha to develop for them a relational database and
a set of data-mining and sorting tools that would allow them to enter insurance
data and then seek out recurring patterns in that data that indicated an abuse
of insurance claims. At least, that's how it started. The nature of the database
and the tools to access the data began to change almost immediately after we had
begun work. We found that it was difficult to extract from Debbie Pasha specific
details about the types of data she wanted collected, how she wanted them
represented, and what data would be relevant to her fraud-finding procedures.
She did have procedures; I'll give her that much, but she had no idea what this
product should be doing to meet her goals. When we did finally manage to get her
to agree to a development plan, she would return within two weeks with new
procedures and different data to be collected. At each turn we were forced to
scrap large portions of the completed code and start again. The only procedure
that stayed solid was the "pattern searching" of the ICD-9 and CPT codes used by
doctors when they bill insurance companies for procedures. Besides a few
sections of the product that dealt with storing and sifting these numbers, we
never really had code more than two weeks old at any given point in the pained
development of that doomed product.
It was along this willy-nilly route that we finally arrived
at August of 2000. We had been operating the company at cost for 9 months,
paying bare minimum salaries and covering only those expenses required to keep
us in business. My own salary was enough to cover my monthly bills, plus $50
extra. George Tyson, another friend and associate, was working for free as the
CEO and general manager of the company. Blaine was also working for free, and
his wife Tammie was being paid only for work performed and at a special cut rate
to boot. In addition to the development work, Stephen Ratcliff utilized us as
his personal IT dept., insisting on several occasions that we repair and install
software on the computer in his office. He especially wanted the "beta" version
of the database software installed on his system. This task fell to me, and I
called Stephen Ratcliff one evening and arranged to meet him at his office to do
this work. Two hours and three phone calls later, I was finally informed that he
couldn't make it, and how about we take care of this later. I shrugged off the
whole thing and went back to working on the database back end. Lo and behold,
within a week Stephen Ratcliff informs George that he wants both myself and the
other developer on the project, Brian Klenk, fired, since we "weren't doing
anything and he wasn't going to pay for people to do nothing."
On that edict, we were in fact "fired." Since Stephen
Ratcliff was paying all the bills, he was calling all the shots. In reality,
both George and Blaine realized that we were working on the actual product and
that due to this Stephen Ratcliff's personal IT needs were neglected. But they
had little choice in the matter. The project now officially had no developers.
It wasn't long after this event that Stephen Ratcliff called a meeting with
Blaine, George, and Blaine's mother, who was handling all of our accounting. He
demanded to know where all the money he was spending was going. So he was
presented with an itemized list of all of the company's expenses, which in fact
totaled to the exact amount he was paying us every month. He was the sole client
and the only source of income. Upon seeing the statement, Stephen Ratcliff flew
into a frenzied fit over the fact that we were using "his money" to
pay the company credit card bills. Despite careful explanation that in order to
continue operations we needed to pay these bills, and that these expenses
comprised a portion of our operating capital expenses, he insisted that the
business debts were not his responsibility and that "it wasn't his
fault" that we had bills to pay. In a last ditch effort of acquiescence and
pacification, Blaine offered to stop charging these expenses to Stephen Ratcliff
and would instead seek other clients to cover the gap. This further stirred
Stephen Ratcliff's ire. He insisted that he was paying for a full time
development team, and that's what he was going to get. Of course he
expected all this for around $6300 a month. By the time of the meeting in
question, this figure had actually been reduced to $5150. This was the figure that was
employing two full-time developers, a full-time manager, two part-time
developers, and was paying for the electricity, the phones, and other expenses.
For Stephen Ratcliff, it was too much money. So we moved out of the office and
called it quits. Stephen Ratcliff demanded the Linux servers for the database,
which we handed over. We cleaned out everything else and moved it to Blaine's
house. Stephen Ratcliff wrote us a $5150 check for the final invoice, and we left.
Later that evening Stephen Ratcliff called Blaine's house and left a message on
his answering machine explaining that the check he had written us was worthless,
and that the account it was drafted against did not have money in it to cover
the check. He had written us a bogus check with full knowledge that it was in
fact worthless. So there we were, without clients, with only a few pieces of
furniture and some computers, and over $60,000 in business debts over our
heads; to top it off the $5000+ check we had was little more than a nicely
printed firelighter. The only bright point in the entire mess was that because
Stephen Ratcliff procrastinated for 9 months and dodged signing a contract with
us to actually produce the software (we were working on a month-to-month basis),
the rights to the software were never transferred to him. This allowed us to
copyright the software and effectively prevent him from doing anything with the
data or code that he had, or from developing a future product on the same lines.
It did not pay our debts.
It is of further note that shortly before Stephen Ratcliff
collapsed our business and refused to pay us for service rendered, Blaine had
lost his job at Veritas software, where he had been employed as a web developer
for Veritas' e-business team. A new manager had been put in place of e-business,
and he had decided to completely fire all web developers in Florida and build a
new team in California. A few months after Blaine was fired, this manager was
fired. The more astute readers out there can probably figure out who ended up
with this job; that's right, Andy Lewis. As
it was, Andy Lewis had been a server admin / developer that worked with but
separate from the e-business team. This is how Blaine knew Andy Lewis.
And so it was in October of 2000 Andy Lewis approached Blaine
with a business proposal. The idea was this: Andy Lewis would purchase Talon
Systems as part of his larger plan to build a web services business. He already
had (and still has, as far as I know) a hosting company, and now he was lining
up web development and operations people. The supposed upside was that we were a
pre-packaged deal; all of the development muscle in one spot, ready to go. The
transaction was to be an exchange of liabilities for assets. Andy Lewis agreed
to "purchase" our outstanding debt in exchange for all of our assets (including
employees). So far, everything was on the level. Then came the weird part. Andy
Lewis had an ulterior motive for establishing this new company, namely that he
wanted to use it in conjunction with H1-B visas to import his wife's relatives
from the Philippines. Andy Lewis explained that his plan was to have the
overseas relatives apply for H1-B visas backed by the guarantee of a job, move
to the United States, then simply stay in the position for two years until they
could apply for legal residence status. He claimed that the relatives would hold
"token" positions in the company with menial work; just enough to pass INS
muster, and that they wouldn't really interfere. This wasn't what was worrying
us; to us, this plan sounded illegal. We wondered aloud about this, and
Andy Lewis assured us that the plan was perfectly legal, we just couldn't go
around saying something like "Oh them, they don't really do any work here,
they're just waiting for their H1-B visas to run out so they can apply for
residence in the U.S." It sounded fishy, but at this point we had no reason to
doubt Andy Lewis. We trusted him. After all, Blaine had worked with him before,
and Andy Lewis had "saved Blaine's ass" at Veritas before. So we bought into the
plan. We should've learned from Deborah Pasha about "shady" dealings, but we
were in dire straits and we thought that surely a man who was once a missionary
would never treat anyone as poorly as we had been treated by Stephen Ratcliff.
At first, things went fairly smoothly. We worked out the
details of the transfer and drew up a contract. Andy Lewis rented an office in
Lake Mary, and in December we began the task of networking and preparing the
office for occupancy. It was in December that the contract was signed. We were
now Valencia Online Inc., a corporation wholly owned by Andy Lewis. This new
company was to be the combination of Andy Lewis' existing hosting company
(Valencia Online)), our
web development company (TalonDigital), and another company that was developing server-side
applications (Oasyx). We had very little interaction with the other development firm,
but the general idea was to eventually bring everyone close enough together that
we could utilize the skills of each group. We
began adapting an existing product in development to suit the needs of the new
business plan we were developing. The application in question was an XML
web-based online learning tool, capable of serving pages from a database that
were custom built to the needs of the student logged in. The system would
additionally allow for rapid input of new course material through an automated
publishing system. Since the end of the fraud database project, we had been
working on this product for the Institute for Simulation and Training in the
Research Park near UCF. The implication was that if we could make this work for
IST, other government agencies would follow. In this application we saw the
potential to enhance the services we planned to offer through Valencia Online.
Not only would we be able to continue developing for IST, but we could also use the
automated publishing technology we were working on for clients of Valencia
Online, offering "do-it-yourself" websites that would allow advanced editing and
professional results without much technical know-how on the part of the clients.
And if they needed more, we could always do custom development.
Through December and into January we worked on the IST
project, and we outfitted the new office. Oh boy did we outfit. Andy Lewis
suggested that the place needed desks, and had us purchase them on Talon Systems
credit. He paid for a new
server to be used as the database system, and an additional development
computer. We were filling in all the other "small" equipment on the Talon Systems
credit cards. George had been put in charge of the office; so chairs, paper,
office supplies and other equipment was being charged onto the cards on a very
regular basis, since it was often difficult to reach Andy Lewis and get funds
directly to purchase new equipment. The logic was that since Andy Lewis and
Valencia Online would be assuming the debt anyways (per the terms of the
contract we had signed), it could be charged on Talon
Systems accounts and would essentially be the same as buying it as Valencia
Online. Andy Lewis basically consented on this point, and away we went. By the
middle of January the spending had slowed, and there was actually a bit of hope
on the horizon: We had presented a demo version of the IST system (as we were
calling it) to IST, and they had agreed to pay $25,000 for additional
development. This looked like the break we had been waiting for! Finally we had
a clear interest from a real client, who was paying real
money for us to develop a product. At this point we were riding high. We figured
with a sizable government contract within reach, and the financial backing of
Andy Lewis, we were finally going to be able to get the company profitable and
reach the goals we had set so long ago.
We were awaiting the $25,000 check from IST with some
anxiety, since we had spent quite a lot since August and we planned to use some
of that money to pay the credit card bills soon to come due. Andy Lewis had not
yet taken over the corporate debt, despite signing the contract and moving us
into an office. This had some of us concerned, but not too much, since we
believed Andy Lewis' explanations concerning getting his accounts in order and
sorting out some personal details before he finalized the merging of Talon
Systems into Valencia Online. On top of this, Andy Lewis hadn't paid anyone a
salary or wage
since the middle of January. We figured we could use a little bit of the income
to make sure that people had enough money to pay their mortgages and buy food
until Andy Lewis finalized everything. Finally, near the end of February, we
were told that the money was in and that IST would draft us a check ASAP. Our happiness was short lived.
Andy Lewis called a meeting on February 27th with the
original directors, Blaine, George, and three other personnel
immediately after we received this news. Figuring that he had some new ideas to
discuss, they proceeded to the meeting with no expectations of what was to come.
When they arrived, Andy Lewis presented them with a contract and an ultimatum:
Sign this contract, or I will simply close down your business and leave you
in the lurch. The contract was an agreement to nullify the previous contract
that bound Andy Lewis to purchase Talon Systems and return both Talon Systems
and Valencia Online to their previous un-integrated states. Andy Lewis claimed
that he "had lost too much money" in the venture and couldn't continue.
Furthermore, he said that he had gone directly to IST and collected the $25,000
check, deposited it, and taken $19,000 as compensation for his expenses.
Andy Lewis had achieved this feat by deceiving the bank into believing he had
signatory authority to our account. He was able to accomplish this by
producing minutes of the corporation from February 14th, 2001 that appeared to
appoint him sole director and shareholder. What had happened on the 14th in
reality was that Andy Lewis had fired Blaine's mother as the corporate
accountant and treasurer on the pretense that he was going to have his own
accountant handle the corporate bookkeeping from that point forward. He
collected the corporate books and the corporate seal which he said he was going
to deliver to his accountant. Instead he generated the aforementioned minutes
and used them for his treachery; now he was returning the corporate books and
seal, and was ready to throw us away. All of this he did to cover his expenses! It was as if he
were saying that everyone else had contributed nothing. That our time,
effort, and all of the loans counted for absolutely nothing when compared
to his involvement of less than three months. Blaine, George, and the
others were incredulous. We had
worked for months on that product, put in hours for free with no guarantees of
being paid, all for that check and the promise of future business. Andy Lewis
stood before them with a proverbial hatchet in hand; the contract that rent all
of that work and effort into a thousand pieces. On top of this, he was refusing
to honor his agreement to assume the debts in exchange for the assets of Talon
Systems, and basically alluded to the fact that, if he closed the business at
this point, we'd be stuck with all the debts anyways since all of the loans were
secured in Blaine, George's, and Blaine's mother's names and had not yet been transferred.
The situation was relatively hopeless. Blaine, George and the other directors signed the contract in
order to retain the corporate name, for whatever it was worth, and left.
So there we were again. Now we had over $73,000 in
debt, a sizable portion of that incurred while we believed that Andy Lewis was
to buy the company in order to pay insurance premiums, phone bills, and other
expenses. We had been holding the business together with the credit cards while
Andy Lewis was "getting his affairs in order." Now we realized that he was
simply waiting until the IST check arrived so that he could grab it and run.
This from the man who lives in a huge house in Heathrow, makes over six figures
a year and had well over a million dollars in stock options in his accounts.
Andy Lewis, a man who was once a missionary, a man who professed the word of
God to others, had baited us along until he could pluck the ripe fruits of
our labors from our very hands and slap us in the face. This is what Andy
Lewis has done to us.
Andy Lewis has
since let the Valencia Online Corporation enter "administrative dissolution" and
formed two new corporations; Inc. and Oasyx Software
Corporation. I now know that it is apparently against Veritas corporate
policy to be a shareholder in another corporation while working for Veritas;
especially if that other company is in the same competitive arena (software
development). Somehow Andy Lewis skirts this requirement; if I had known of this
angle before we had become involved with Andy Lewis, I would have had strong
reservations against it, especially after the strikingly similar situation with
Debbie Pasha. Such willingness to ignore employment agreements seems to indicate
things about someone's personality.
Since that time we've tried to move forward, but we have no
capital. Our credit is completely expended. The credit companies have come
knocking, and there's no money to pay them. The bills are crushing. It's
impossible to pursue new business simply because everyone must work full-time in
order to live, and no one has time to follow through on leads. We can no longer
pursue the IST contract, since we lack the facilities or resources to meet their
requirements. Blaine has been forced to bear the complete brunt of the
creditors, and it has pushed him nearly to the brink of financial ruin. He
doesn't have the padding of several thousand stock options behind him. Instead
he's trying to find a way to re-mortgage his house, his car, and anything else
in order to get money at lower interest rates to pay the bills. George is still
out of work. I'm working part time while I go back to school. I'd like to help
Blaine, but my job pays enough for tuition and books, and just covers my other
So there it is, the whole horrible and sad story. I hope
you've enjoyed reading this, if only to say to yourself that you're glad it
wasn't you. And I personally urge you very strongly: If you ever find
yourself doing business with Andy Lewis or his businesses, consider every action you take very
carefully. Andy Lewis has proven himself a sinister person when it comes
to integrity and honesty. Watch your money, and watch your back around Andy
An update:
November 15th, 2001
It would seem that Andy Lewis' employment at Veritas has
been terminated. The story I have is that an upper manager was asked to leave
(for ineptitude or some other reason), and he decided that a few of his
underlings needed to feel his pain as well. For reasons of his own, he
"implicated" Andy Lewis, who was let go along with a few others. I don't really
believe in karma, but I do believe in "reap what you sow." Looks like harvest
time is here.
Update: March 27th, 2002
Dark days. Blaine has finally had to declare bankruptcy due
to overwhelming debts. He did try valiantly to continue making payments on the
credit cards, but with only contract work as an instructor, there just hasn't
been enough money to fill the gaping maw. His financial back will be broken for
at least the next 10 years. Nice job Andy Lewis, you're a real stand-up kinda
Update: July 29th, 2002
More shenanigans from Andy Lewis. Seems like he has the
impression that somehow we are withholding the $19,000 that was
frozen by Bank of America, and that we have the power to release it to him
through some means. To this end, he has had a lawyer send us a letter demanding
that we (we as in the defunct Talon Systems) resolve the situation with the bank
so that he can get his money (his
money. That still cracks me up). Somewhere along the line it failed to sink into
his head that we had nothing to do with the seizure of those funds. The bank
decided of their own accord that the transaction was potentially fraudulent and
that they would be holding the money until the issue was resolved. Naturally,
Andy Lewis decides that rather than stand up to a big financial institution with
enough money to crush him into dust (and then crush him into sub-atomic
particles), he'd rather shake the lawyer stick at us in hopes of scaring us into
doing...something (whatever it is he imagines we can do).
Furthermore, Andy Lewis has threatened to sue Blaine's
mother, saying that she unnecessarily ruined his credit. What she had in fact
done was send unpaid bills for financial services (extraneous services she had
performed for the Talon Systems / Valencia Online entity, all while under the
operation of Andy Lewis) to a collection agency. The collection agency in turn
put a mark in Andy Lewis' credit file that they were attempting to collect
unpaid bills. The concept of "request services then pay for services" seems
foreign to Andy Lewis, right along with "make a promise, keep a promise." We've
reached a new low here with Andy Lewis; welcome to the underside of the barrel.
That's an incredible story. What can I do?
For your own safety,
don't do any business with Andy Lewis. I'd hate to see anyone else destroyed by
his practices. If you're really moved by this story, maybe you can donate some
money to Blaine Helmick. He can seriously use it.
Donate to Blaine via |
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I welcome comments and questions, and will gladly provide any additional information concerning the story on this site. Simply e-mail me.
Design and content Copyright 2001, 2010 by Jason Rock, for whatever it's worth. |